Cute fun colored eggs in front of you, people will smile played.
Very colorful and fun rich eggs virtual simulation game, simply touch the egg on Keyihuode Surprise, many children are fond of playing games, so you play the class, chatting playing, eating, watching television play, so you put it down and do not play one hundred tired of crazy surprises applications.
It is specifically designed for children, can learn to touch the eggs after efforts to rely on, only the harvest, do not work hard there will be no results, there is no free lunch, how much time effort, the results are written in the above figures at a glance. Do not take the time, did not move his head, did not pay effort, no effort trying to is not going to get the final prize, please click on the efforts colorful colors egg!
What surprise is it ultimately? Efforts to pay only after the talent will be very interesting, and you can play the game a long time, really successful people, very few, why we have called a genius, in fact, is trying to type a genius.
Product Features:
* Super-favorite multiplayer game played with eggs
* Colorful color moving bright, attractive
* Children's children are the most favorite applications
* Simple and easy playable surprises, mysterious stimulus